The population of Hannover has remained close to stable over the years, with a recent slight increase. In order to maintain public greens and to support a further increase in biodiversity, it is necessary to raise the appreciation for nature and such natural processes like succession.
Close-to-natural forestry, waterway renaturalization, and ecologically oriented agricultural practises are supported by the community initiative "Mehr Natur in der Stadt". Our project "Städte wagen Wildnis" is part of this initiative.
Eleven urban areas for rewilding were chosen in different parts of the city: lawns and parks close to residential areas, vacant lots, and sections of urban forest. Each will be thoroughly documented with various PR and communication measures to gain further acceptance and to raise interest and appreciation for the importance of biodiversity by local residents.
Gefördert durch das Bundesamt für Naturschutz mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit.